Analytics homepage
Our tools are designed to help you trade NFTs quickly and efficiently. We would not be held responsible for any trade going wrong. This guide aims to give you knowledge on how to use the tools, but also on how to apply it into a scalping session. Read carefully ! In order to use our analytical tool to the best, you need to follow all of the steps listed in this section. Not doing so will expose you to some troubles, and could lead to a loss of SOL.
We will discuss every feature available in the Analytics part of our website, as well as basic strategies you can use at your advantage while trading NFTs.
First, you need to keep in mind that trading NFTs is all about gathering information before others. The quicker you can identify what is rare, the quicker you can scalp NFTs being sold at a low price, and resell them later.
We will begin this tutorial with the Analytics page.
In the upper side, you can find the top collections with highest recent activity. You can sort them out yourself, using existing header. Also, you can set if you want to see top 5, 10 or 20.
On the lower left side, you can see Top performing collections. This showcases the collections with the most volume in the past 24H.
On the right side, you can see Latest collections which showcases the last collection listed. It's displaying the 10 last collections.
Available quick actions for all analytics sections are:
Click on collection name - View in analytics - will open the page of selected collection;
Once that you know what to analyze, let's discuss about the collection page.
If you want to check how it looks, you can watch the videos on Twitter or Youtube channel.
Last updated